Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

The wedding day has been set

The wedding day has been set, days are number. There is a ton of wedding planning list to set to be done – hunting for wedding hall, choosing caterer and include selecting the menu, fitting wedding dress and a lot more. All of this hard effort is just for one thing only, in order to make the wedding ceremony runs smoothly and remarkable thing to remember. Also always remember to put on the top of your to-do list, finding the perfect wedding ring.

Finding a perfect wedding ring is never an easy task. It needs a lot of consideration. It seems that this decision is as hard as choosing to get married at the first place. This wedding band represents the bond between two people and concludes the wedding ceremony.

If the budget is not a problem then you can move to the option of what kind of material do you want to be used for your wedding ring.

Platinum is always the king of the ring. It is very durable so platinum wedding bands will endure for the very long time. However, platinum wedding rings are the most expensive ring.

If you living with metro-city style. You were trendsetter. And you are contemporary, then why should we choose the ordinary. Contemporary wedding bands don’t have to go out of fashion like your daddy ‘s ties. It last forever.

Choose a variation on a contemporary theme by yourself. Don’t hold you imagination if the traditional material won’t be enough try something new. Contemporary wedding band designs, just like any wedding ring, are not just for women. Imagine black shine titanium wedding band that impersonate strong and mystery. Stud the top with sparkling Asscher-cut diamond. This is the ring like no other.

Do you want to go where no groom and bride has gone before? Try tungsten. Tungsten Wedding Bands are suit for contemporary design. Its material is like no ordinary wedding band material. Tungsten Rings is hard to worn out. It will always shine at your finger for many years to come. Picture two tungsten stripes along the edge join with central inlay stripe of black titanium. Dot the center with a diamond of flawless clarity. These Tungsten Wedding Rings is the result of having the ultimate design.

The latest material, the most up to date design, and dare to cross the line. That’s what contemporary wedding ring are all about. Thing never goes out of style.


John John

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Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Toward Marriage Care

Marriage is a very sacred event and look forward to every couple. Hence not a few couples who do wedding preparations well in advance, so when the day of "H" all events run smoothly and successfully. As a woman, of course, wanted at the time of her wedding day look beautiful and fresh, the common term is "manglingi". Although, not a bit too brides who do not do body treatments before the wedding because of the limitations and preoccupations. Indeed, body treatments performed before the marriage is not absolute, the most important undertaken by the couple before the wedding is closer to God and ask His blessing for the wedding to be held successfully, smoothly, and the inner and outer happiness forever.

Nha, if the bride wants to do maintenance of the body, can do several things:
1. Luluran, massage and flower bath. Luluran 1 - 3 times a week using a scrub on the market to lift dead skin cells, so the skin becomes radiant and clean. Usually at luluran accompanied by a massage for blood circulation. After luluran be rinsed with a shower for the body becomes fragrant flowers and fragrant. Flower bath is usually composed of roses, cape, jasmine destroyed and mixed with coarse salt and lime juice and soaked with water as a rinse after wear scrubs.

2. Facials and masks. The use of masks and facials aims to clean your face of acne, facial care to keep it fresh so that at the time of day "H" is not easy to face greasy and long lasting makeup. It is recommended that approaching day "H" do not use makeup too frequent and excessive. Done once a week

3. Creambath. To treat hair for hair look beautiful and easy to set up, can be done once a week.

4. Drink herbal medicine. Drinking jamu done to maintain the stamina the day "H" and at the first night. The herbs used to drink is herbal Kamaratih Kamajaya Puyang chili or stew with saffron acid. Drinking herbal medicine can be routinely carried out starting from 30 days before the day of "H".

5. Care package at the salon before the wedding. For the bride who had plenty of time to take a care package at the salon.

6. Bridal makeup package of care. Some cosmetic usually provide a complete package from start scrubs, hair-hundred to drinking herbs.

7. Fasting Monday-Thursday and eating less salt for face shining and "manglingi"